
Our team of certified building biologists come from diverse backgrounds but share a strong dedication to applying the best practices and safe standards of building biology. Building biology is the art and science of studying building structure, geography, electromagnetic fields, and air and light quality that make up the environment of our home or workplace. Factors in the home environment can affect health and well-being. It is our mission to provide support for creating the best environment for good sleep and healthy living.

Building Biology Central Ltd 從 2015 開始提供獨特家居檢測服務,包括電磁波與地理環境檢測以及置業前檢測等服務,累積寶貴經驗,更了解普羅家居的需要。2020 年我們進一步擴大服務,詳情請 please click 家居環境檢測服務 or 解決方案服務

To browse electromagnetic field (EMF) protection and biofield forming products, please click 購物. To learn more about building biology, tips for healthy homes, and the use and comparison of EMF products, please click 了解更多 for choice of contents. For all inquiries please click 聯絡我們.  

Jasper Ip  

Jasper holds a Master of Science in Environmental Partnership Management from University of Aberdeen, UK, and a Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours) in Applied Biology from Hong Kong Baptist University. Before joining Building Biology Central Ltd as a certified building biologist, Jasper was a senior research assistant in the Geography Department of Hong Kong Baptist University. He focused on research in renewable energy and smart grid development in Asian cities, co-authoring a number of published papers. His past experience included environmental services, corporate training, student workshops, research into policies, building energy codes and recycling, and community services. 

吳玉堃 (Ruth)  

Ruth holds a bachelor degree from Canada’s University of British Columbia, majoring in nutrition. She worked as a dietetic technician in Vancouver’s Holy Family Hospital and then as senior nutritional adviser for Hong Kong’s Integrated Medicine Institute, before joining WeHealth Ltd as a co-founder, bioresonance therapist and nutritional consultant in 2014. Building Biology Central Ltd welcomes Ruth on board as a certified building biologist. She will focus on assessing geopathic stresses in homes or offices.  

陳樹恆 (Tree)

樹恆持有香港大學專業進修學院的營養學高級證書,亦是美國自然療法醫學協會專業會員,曾任職本港健康營養業界,2016 年加盟食療主義有限公司為生物共振療師。 我們歡迎持有建築生物學認證的樹恆加盟 Building Biology Central Ltd,主力為住戶或辦公室客戶作電磁波與地理壓力的評估檢測。