

Geopathic fields are energetic features found in nature. We don't fully understand them, but it has been observed that strong geopathic fields can disrupt sleep and lead to health issues. 

Underground water channels (natural and man-made) as well as fractures in bedrock can create geopathic fields by modulating and polarising the earth’s natural gamma radiation into frequencies that interfere with our energy, creating stress in the body. 

如睡床位置受較強的地下水流或地理斷層場影響,住戶有可能會出現免疫系統功能削弱、睡眠質素轉差,或者出現晚上尿頻, 及兒童發育問題。 


Global Grid Fields 
Global grids are geopathic fields that occur in nature. Although we can naturally  balance some global grid fields, it is best to avoid the Benker grid during sleep because it has a strong impact, and can lead to chronic issues. We also suggest avoiding the Curry grid during sleep due to its potential for sleep disturbance.  We will assess the strength and location of the Benker or Curry grids if they impact your sleep area, and will help to identify better rest areas where needed.  


EMF signals from wireless devices such as mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth earphones, cordless phones and radar are associated with strong oxidative stress in the body, as well as headaches, disturbed sleep, skin rashes, learning disorders, and allergies. 

We measure the inside and outside sources of high frequency EMF at your home and will provide practical recommendations for reducing exposure. 


Low Frequency (LF) electric fields from nearby power cables and electric appliances occur whenever appliances are plugged in, even if they are not switched on (such as bed-side lamps). 

We measure the LF electric fields affecting your sleep area, identify the sources and will recommend options for reducing exposure if needed.


We attract nearby low frequency (LF) electric fields because our bodies are conductive, and this can create artificial body voltages. 

We measure the artificial body voltages of household occupants on their beds. A high body voltage can interfere with normal body function and disrupt sleep. 

We can help to reduce artificial body voltages by eliminating the electric field sources (such as using a demand switch), or by shielding the field sources with grounded fabrics.


Low Frequency (LF) magnetic fields come from the alternating current (AC) in power cables and appliances. Magnetic fields occur when current is flowing. Strong LF magnetic fields can disrupt the body’s endocrine functions. 

We measure the LF magnetic fields on your bed that may come from nearby transformers, switch rooms, elevators, or night-time lighting. 



If there are young children in the home, we measure the static electric fields in their bedding. Synthetic objects like stuffed toys, blankets and pillows can cause high static electric fields that disrupt children’s sleep, particularly babies. High static electric fields are associated with coughing, breathing difficulties, crying and inability to sleep. 

We identify which bedding items have high static fields so the items can be removed or replaced. 


The Earth’s magnetic field is nearly uniform across our body. But metal that is close to us, such as in mattresses, bed frames, and walls can make strong magnetic gradients on our body that may affect sleep and cause muscle aches by affecting the normal mobility of cells. 

We measure static magnetic fields across your bed to identify strong gradients and will recommend alternate bed materials or a better bed position if needed. 


The quality, intensity and timing of light exposure can affect our health and biological clock. For example, sleep disorders can result from viewing bright bluish light before bed time, such as from a tablet or smartphone. 


Moulds are types of fungi, which are neither plants nor animals. Fungi are essential for life, but excessive fungal growth in your home can produce health problems including respiratory and skin infections, sleep disorders, fatigue, dizziness, depression, tremors and headaches. High air humidity and water damage allow mould to grow. 

甲醛是常見的揮發性有機化合物 (VOCs)

Formaldehyde is one of the most common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found indoors. VOCs may be toxic even at low concentrations and can irritate the eyes, cause headaches, and trigger asthma symptoms. Though they are indoor air pollutants, they are widely used in home products including furniture, paints, cleaning solvents, fragrances, and moth balls. Formaldehyde has an acrid smell and is often found after decoration or renovation, or the installation of new furniture.


High carbon dioxide levels make us drowsy and lose concentration, but maintaining good home ventilation can be difficult in hot, humid conditions.