Do the shielding fabrics that contain silver use 納米銀粒子嗎?
Can the fabrics that contain silver 會變色嗎?
Yes, the uncoated silver fabrics may show some darkening or colour banding over time, this process is called tarnishing, but unlike rusting, tarnish does not damage the silver, so the shielding function of the fabrics is not affected. Our uncoated silver fabrics are Silver-Silk, Silver-Twin, Silver-Tulle, Silver-Elastic and Goldkind Pro.
要減慢變色情況,可選用TEXCARE電磁波屏蔽布匹洗滌粉、防止陽光直射織物、避免高濕度環境 、避免使用化學清潔劑或香精等。不會變色的織物有Ultima 白色純綿織物和WEAR 天然織物,因為受到鍍了銀/銅線的塗層保護所以不會變色。
How should I 清洗防護織物?
我們提供的所有防護織物都可以用Texcare 電磁波屏蔽布匹洗滌粉,在攝氏 30oC 水以洗衣機作溫和洗滌,清洗乾淨的織物應在沒有直接陽光照射的地方晾乾,不宜用乾衣機烘乾。